The Car Clinic is a non-profit ministry in Elk River Minnesota that provides vehicle repairs and maintenance to single parents, seniors, veterans, the homeless, or persons in financial need. The Car Clinic is a 501c3 Non Profit EIN-47-2517134
For a complete list of services click here
P.S. We also serve a big breakfast and a big lunch to all of our volunteers and guests during the day!
When is Car Clinic?
The Car clinic is held once per month, typically on a Saturday. Tap the button below for upcoming dates.
What does it cost me?
The Car Clinic Labor is free, as well as oil and other materials needed for an oil change. If replacement parts are needed for repairs, you will need to pay for them prior to the work being done. We will try to give you an estimate on how much the parts will cost. ( We can get a discount rate at the local auto-parts store.)
What if I can’t affort to buy parts?
If you don’t think you can afford the parts, we will discuss your alternatives and/or direct you to someone who can further discuss your alternatives and/or direct you to an organization that may be able to financially assist you.
Our Volunteers
Our volunteers are qualified but not certified. What’s more they are genuinely wonderful people with huge hearts to serve. If the Car Clinic volunteers do not feel they can do the repairs, we will give you the name and number of a reputable local garage.
Interested in becoming a volunteer?
OUR calling is to help those in need
Most of all, love each other steadily and unselfishly, because love makes up for many faults. Show hospitality to each other without complaint. Use whatever gift you’ve received for the good of one another so that you can show yourselves to be good stewards of God’s grace in all its varieties. 1 Peter 4:8-10
Thinking of starting your own clinic?
General questions?
The Car Clinic is a Non Profit 501c3 EIN-47-2517134